
Tunnel LED lighting retrofit program

Olympia Odos – Tunnel LED lighting retrofit program

SALFO in association with SETEC tpi have been appointed as the Independent Engineer for this tunnel LED lighting upgrade project. The main services included the review and approval of the designs, the approval of the materials, the monitoring of works and the review of the Project records.

The project involved the replacement of 13.366 conventional light sources with 3.458 LED high performance luminaires. 

The outcomes of the energy saving program were:

  • 60% energy consumption cuts at Kakia Skala and 70% relevant cuts at Patras Bypass;
  • 60% reduction of the carbon footprint and 4,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent less per year;
  • More than 8 million kWh of annual savings;
  • Recycling of 2.2 t. of light bulbs and 132.5 t. of steel.