The official visit of the Greek President Prokopis Pav-lopoulos in Saudi Arabia for a series of meetings with top officials including King Salman, was concluded on the 20th of February 2017. The President met with the Secretary of the Cooperation Council of the Gulf countries, with whom he discussed issues concerning the relations between the Gulf countries and Europe and particularly Greece. The meeting was attended also by Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias, who invited the Secretary of the Council of the Gulf countries in Rhodes, where an intercultural conference will take place. He visited the National Museum of Riyadh where he was welcomed by the Tourism Minister of Saudi Arabia, Prince Sultan bin Salman Al Saud. Mr. Pavlopoulos also had the opportunity to meet with the King of Saudi Arabia Salman. The meeting took place in a very positive climate, and then Mr. Pavlopoulos attended a dinner given in his honor by King Salman. He also met with the Crown Prince and Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, who controls the oil sector, together with the Foreign Minister, the Minister of Investments, and the Transport Minister. SALFO was represented by Dr. Sotirs Sotiropou-los, Country Director KSA, Mr. Jamil Mitri, Business Develop-ment Manager KSA / QATAR, Mr. Stavros Ka-logerogiannis, Project Ma-nager and Mr. Nikolaos Palamaras, Project Manager.